Fear and clothing in Des Moines

Fear and clothing in Des Moines

A few days ago, I waxed poetic on the fine art of “Iowa-bashing.” Lo and behold, a new example has been churned out, much to the delight/chagrin of Iowans. (“They name-dropped us!” we say excitedly, as every native Iowan links to it on Facebook. “BUT THEY DID IT TO HATE ON US!” we realize, dejectedly.)

Coming from the Onion, it’s hard to take it too seriously. And let’s be honest: Iowa, much less Des Moines, will never be a bastion of fashion. (That’s your cue, Iowa State Fair attendees.) But the story could have “taken place” just as easily in Nebraska, Kansas, Oklahoma…maybe we Midwest states aren’t so alone after all. “No Coast” states, it’s your time to shine. On the catwalk.

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